In a major setback for the Biju Janata Dal, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, seeking a sixth term, is trailing in his stronghold. BJP, om the other hand, has crossed the majority mark in both Lok Sabha elections and Assembly elections, as per early trends. The counting votes has begun for the elections to the 18th Lok Sabha polls. The results today will end the suspense on who will form the next government in the country amid BJP’s ‘400 paar’ slogan and I.N.D.I.A bloc’s claim of bagging 295+ seats. The results will be declared by the Election Commission of India for elections to 543 Parliamentary constituencies, 175 seats of Andhra Pradesh Assembly constituencies, 147 seats of Odisha Assembly constituencies byelections to 25 Assembly constituencies. The Lok Sabha election vote counting live updates can also be tracked on ABP News YouTube channel.