Meerut Lok Sabha Election Result 2024: After trailing in the early morning vote counts, Arun Govil, the BJP Lok Sabha wins the Meerut constituency with 546,469 votes. This time in Meerut, there was a tough contest between BJP’s Arun Govil and SP’s Sunita Verma. However, surpassing Sunita Verma, Arun Govil achieved a significant victory in Meerut. Arun Govil defeated the SP’s Sunita Verma with a margin of 10,585 votes. Sunita Verma secured 5,35,884 votes, while Devvrat Tyagi secured 87,025 votes.
Meerut Lok Sabha Election Result 2024: Candidates’ List
- Arun Govil (BJP)
- Devrat Kumar Tyagi (BSP)
- Sunita Verma (SP)
- Haji Afzal (The Best Party)
- Abid Husain (Social Democratic Party of India)
- Bhupendra Pal alias Bhuppi Bhai (Rashtriya Shoshit Samaj Party)
- Liaquat (Mazloom Samaj Party)
- Dr. Himanshu Bhatnagar (Jai Hind National Party)
In Meerut, the voting was take place on April 26. The voter turnout was 58.70%.
In the 2019 Lok Sabha Elections, Rajendra Agarwal of the BJP won this constituency with 586,184 votes defeating Haji Mohammad Yaqoob of the BSP by a narrow margin of 4,729 votes. Haji Mohammad Yaqoob stood second with 581,455 votes.
Similarly, in the 2014 elections, Rajendra Agarwal of the BJP emerged as a winner by defeating Mohd Shahid Akhlak of the BSP with a significant margin of 2,32,326 votes, constituting 20.86% of the total votes polled in the constituency. In the 2009 Lok Sabha elections, Rajendra Agarwal of the BJP secured victory in this constituency by defeating Malook Nagar of the BSP with a margin of 47,146 votes.