YSRCP chief Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy on Thursday accused the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) of creating an atmosphere of fear in Andhra Pradesh even before officially forming the new government. Reddy has appealed to Governor S Abdul Nazeer for help in stopping attacks on his party’s workers. In the aftermath of a decisive defeat given by the NDA coalition, which includes TDP, BJP, and Janasena, in the recent Assembly polls, Reddy alleged that TDP cadres have been rampaging and attacking YSR Congress workers.
“Private and government properties such as the village secretariats and Rythu Bharosa Kendras are being destroyed. There is no safety for YSRCP leaders and activists,” the former Chief Minister said in a post on X (formerly Twitter).
రాష్ట్ర వ్యాప్తంగా తెలుగుదేశం పార్టీ దాడులతో అత్యంత భయానక వాతావరణం నెలకొంది. ప్రభుత్వం ఏర్పాటుకాకముందే టీడీపీ ముఠాలు స్వైరవిహారం చేస్తున్నాయి. ఎక్కడికక్కడ గ్రామ సచివాలయాలు, ఆర్బీకేల్లాంటి ప్రభుత్వ, ప్రైవేటు ఆస్తులను ధ్వంసం చేస్తున్నారు. వైయస్సార్సీపీకి చెందిన నాయకులు,…
— YS Jagan Mohan Reddy (@ysjagan) June 6, 2024
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Further, Reddy claimed that the police department has succumbed to pressures from the ‘ruling party,’ referring to the TDP and lamented that the peace that prevailed during YSRCP’s five-year rule has been shattered.
“I am appealing to the Governor to immediately intervene and rein in the yellow gangs’ (TDP supporters) atrocities to protect lives, properties, and government assets,” Reddy added, as per a report on PTI.
Additionally, Reddy vowed to stand by all affected party activists during this tumultuous period.
In the recent Lok Sabha elections, NDA achieved a sweeping victory in Andhra Pradesh, securing 164 Assembly seats and 21 Lok Sabha constituencies. In stark contrast, the YSRCP, led by Jagan Mohan Reddy, managed to secure only 11 Assembly seats and four Parliamentary seats.
The BJP and Janasena also fared well in the elections.