Devendra Fadnavis is all set to return as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra on Thursday, December 5. He will take oath along with his deputies Eknath Shinde and Ajit Pawar at Azad Maidan in Mumbai. As soon as his name was cleared for the top post by the BJP’s legislative party, old videos of Fadnavis started going viral. In the videos, Fadnavis can be seen asserting that he would return as CM.
Since his resignation after his five-day stint as the Chief Minister in 2019, Devendra Fadnavis had said on multiple occasions that he would return to the CM’s post. For this, the Maha Vikas Aghadi leaders repeatedly taunted him.
Fadnavis’s opportunity came in 2022 when Eknath Shinde rebelled against Uddhav Thackeray and broke away from the Shiv Sena. He joined the BJP on condition that he would be the CM. Although Fadnavis denies it, he was reportedly upset about being offered the Deputy CM. However, he was eventually placated and handed the Deputy CM’s post along with key ministries like Home Affairs, Law & Judiciary, Information and Technology, and Information & Public Relations.
His chance has finally come as he takes oath on Thursday. Ahead of his swearing-in, the old videos are being shared by BJP’s supporters. Two days after he resigned on November 28, 2019, Devendra Fadnavis in the Maharashtra Assembly warned the MVA not to write him off. Reciting a masked couplet, Fadnavis, who was elected as the Leader of Opposition, said: “Mera paani utra dekh kar mere kinare ghar mat basa lena, main samundar hoon lautkar wapis zaroor aunga [Seeing my waters recede, do not build your house on my shore; I am the ocean and I shall return.”
#WATCH Former Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis in state assembly, earlier today: Mera paani utarta dekh, mere kinaare par ghar mat basaa lena. Mera paani utarta dekh, mere kinaare par ghar mat basaa lena. Mai samudra hoon, laut kar wapas ayunga.
— ANI (@ANI) December 1, 2019
Another video of Fadnavis that is going viral is of a poem ‘Mi Punha Yein [I am here again]’ that Fadnavis recited. The video was posted by Fadnavis on his social media pages on October 19, 2019. Now that he’s indeed “here again”, his fans are using the video to remind the Opposition of his presence.