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How To Encounter Shiny Pokemon & Modify Wild Pokemon

How To Encounter Shiny Pokemon & Modify Wild Pokemon

Pokemon Fire Red Cheat Codes: Pokemon Fire Red remains a beloved game, cherished by many players today for its captivating gameplay and nostalgic charm. Cheats and glitches have been an integral part of the game since its release, adding excitement for players through advantages like unlimited rare candies, maxed-out Pokemon stats, and the discovery of the legendary Pokemon Mew. These cheats enhance gameplay, allowing players to progress faster and enjoy the game more.

Given the popularity of cheats, players often seek ways to utilise them. However, finding reliable and functional Pokemon Fire Red cheats can be challenging. To simplify this and enhance your gaming experience, we’ve compiled a detailed list of verified cheats for Pokemon Fire Red.

ALSO READ | Pokemon Fire Red Cheat Codes: Find Legendary Mew, Have Infinite Rare Candy & Max Out All Pokemon Stats

Pokemon Fire Red Cheat Codes: How to Use

When playing Pokémon Fire Red on a GameBoy Advance using Gameshark or Action Replay on your PC, you can easily input cheats. However, these tools necessitate the entry of a master code beforehand. Below are the master codes required for Pokémon Fire Red:

  • 3AF85ACA C4D18CEC
  • 8E883EFF 92E9660D

After typing these, you are all set to use cheats. All you will have to do now is enter the codes.

And if you’re using the Visual Boy Advance, you’ll have to follow the steps mentioned below:-

  • First, open up the VBA emulator
  • Now select File > Open > choose the Pokémon Fire Red ROM
  • Then, select Cheats > cheat list from the VBA menu
  • Then select Gameshark
  • Now, enter the codes you desire
  • At last, select OK twice and you’re done.

Pokemon Fire Red Cheat Codes: To Face Shiny Pokemon

  • 1670047D 04815C68
  • 18452A7D DDE55BCC

Pokemon Fire Red Cheat Codes: To Modify Wild Pokemon

To choose which Pokemon appears in the wild, you’ll need to enter the master code

  • 000014D1 000A
  • 1003DAE6 0007

You’ll be required to input the Pokémon encounter code 83007CEE followed by your chosen Pokemon’s ID:

  • 0115 = Treecko
  • 0116 = Grovyle
  • 0117 = Sceptile
  • 0118 = Torchic
  • 0119 = Combusken
  • 011A = Blaziken
  • 011B = Mudkip
  • 011C = Marshtomp
  • 011D = Swampert
  • 011E = Poochyena
  • 011F = Mightyena
  • 0120 = Zigzagoon
  • 0121 = Linoone
  • 0122 = Wurmple
  • 0132 = Silcoon
  • 0124 = Beautifly
  • 0125 = Cascoon
  • 0126 = Dustox
  • 0127 = Lotad
  • 0128 = Lombre
  • 0129 = Ludicolo
  • 012A = Seedot
  • 012B = Nuzleaf
  • 012C = Shiftry
  • 012D = Nincada
  • 012E = Ninjask
  • 012F = Shedinja
  • 0130 = Taillow
  • 0131 = Swellow
  • 0132 = Shroomish
  • 0133 = Breloom
  • 0134 = Spinda
  • 0135 = Wingull
  • 0136 = Pelipper
  • 0137 = Surskit
  • 0138 = Masquerain
  • 0139 = Wailmer
  • 013A = Wailord
  • 013B = Skitty
  • 013C = Delcatty
  • 013D = Kecleon
  • 013E = Baltoy
  • 013F = Claydol
  • 0140 = Nosepass
  • 0141 = Torkoal
  • 0142 = Sableye
  • 0143 = Barboach
  • 0144 = Whiscash
  • 0145 = Luvdisc
  • 0146 = Corphish
  • 0147 = Crawdaunt
  • 0148 = Feebas
  • 0149 = Milotic
  • 014A = Carvanha
  • 014B = Sharpedo
  • 014C = Trapinch
  • 014D = Vibrava
  • 014E = Flygon
  • 014F = Makuhita
  • 0150 = Hariyama
  • 0151 = Electrike
  • 0152 = Manectric
  • 0153 = Numel
  • 0154 = Camerupt
  • 0155 = Spheal
  • 0156 = Sealeo
  • 0157 = Walrein
  • 0158 = Cacnea
  • 0159 = Cacturne
  • 015A = Snorunt
  • 015B = Glalie
  • 015C = Lunatone
  • 015D = Solrock
  • 015E = Azurill
  • 015F = Spoink
  • 0160 = Grumpig
  • 0161 = Plusle
  • 0162 = Minun
  • 0163 = Mawile
  • 0164 = Meditite
  • 0165 = Medicham
  • 0166 = Swablu
  • 0167 = Altaria
  • 0168 = Wynaut
  • 0169 = Duskull
  • 016A = Dusclops
  • 016B = Roselia
  • 016C = Slakoth
  • 016D = Vigoroth
  • 016E = Slaking
  • 016F = Gulpin
  • 0170 = Swalot
  • 0171 = Tropius
  • 0172 = Whismur
  • 0173 = Loudred
  • 0174 = Exploud
  • 0175 = Clamperl
  • 0176 = Huntail
  • 0177 = Gorebyss
  • 0178 = Absol
  • 0179 = Shuppet
  • 017A = Banette
  • 017B = Seviper
  • 017C = Zangoose
  • 017D = Relicanth
  • 017E = Aron
  • 017F = Lairon
  • 0180 = Aggron
  • 0181 = Castform
  • 0182 = Volbeat
  • 0183 = Illumise
  • 0184 = Lileep
  • 0185 = Cradily
  • 0186 = Anorith
  • 0187 = Armaldo
  • 0188 = Ralts
  • 0189 = Kirlia
  • 018A = Gardevoir
  • 018B = Bagon
  • 018C = Shelgon
  • 018D = Salamence
  • 018E = Beldum
  • 018F = Metang
  • 0190 = Metagross
  • 0191 = Regirock
  • 0192 = Regice
  • 0193 = Registeel
  • 0194 = Kyogre
  • 0195 = Groudon
  • 0196 = Rayquaza
  • 0197 = Latias
  • 0198 = Latios
  • 0199 = Jirachi
  • 019A = Deoxys
  • 019B = Chimecho
  • 00BD = Jumpluff
  • 00BE = Aipom
  • 00BF = Sunkern
  • 00C0 = Sunflora
  • 00C1 = Yanma
  • 00C2 = Wooper
  • 00C3 = Quagsire
  • 00C4 = Espeon
  • 00C5 = Umbreon
  • 00C6 = Murkrow
  • 00C7 = Slowking
  • 0001 = Bulbasaur
  • 0002 = Ivysaur
  • 0003 = Venusaur
  • 0004 = Charmander
  • 0005 = Charmeleon
  • 0006 = Charizard
  • 0007 = Squirtle
  • 0008 = Wartortle
  • 0009 = Blastoise
  • 000A = Caterpie
  • 000B = Metapod
  • 000C = Butterfree
  • 000D = Weedle
  • 000E = Kakuna
  • 000F = Beedrill
  • 0010 = Pidgey
  • 0011 = Pidgeotto
  • 0012 = Pidgeot
  • 0013 = Rattata
  • 0014 = Raticate
  • 0015 = Spearow
  • 0016 = Fearow
  • 0017 = Ekans
  • 0018 = Arbok
  • 0019 = Pikachu
  • 001A = Raichu
  • 001B = Sandshrew
  • 001C = Sandslash
  • 001D = Nidoran
  • 001E = Nidorina
  • 001F = Nidoqueen
  • 0020 = Nidoran
  • 0021 = Nidorino
  • 0022 = Nidoking
  • 0023 = Clefairy
  • 0024 = Clefable
  • 0025 = Vulpix
  • 0026 = Ninetails
  • 0027 = Jigglypuff
  • 0028 = Wigglytuff
  • 0029 = Zubat
  • 002A = Golbat
  • 002B = Oddish
  • 002C = Gloom
  • 002D = Vileplume
  • 002E = Paras
  • 002F = Parasect
  • 0030 = Venonat
  • 0031 = Venomoth
  • 0032 = Diglett
  • 0033 = Dugtrio
  • 0034 = Meowth
  • 0035 = Persian
  • 0036 = Psyduck
  • 0037 = Golduck
  • 0038 = Mankey
  • 0039 = Primeape
  • 003A = Growlithe
  • 003B = Arcanine
  • 003C = Poliwag
  • 003D = Poliwhirl
  • 003E = Poliwrath
  • 003F = Abra
  • 0040 = Kadabra
  • 0041 = Alakazam
  • 0042 = Machop
  • 0043 = Machoke
  • 0044 = Machamp
  • 0045 = Bellsprout
  • 0046 = Weepinbell
  • 0047 = Victreebel
  • 0048 = Tentacool
  • 0049 = Tentacruel
  • 004A = Geodude
  • 004B = Graveler
  • 004C = Golem
  • 004D = Ponyta
  • 004E = Rapidash
  • 004F = Slowpoke
  • 0050 = Slowbro
  • 0051 = Magnemite
  • 0052 = Magneton
  • 0053 = Farfetch’d
  • 0054 = Doduo
  • 0055 = Dudrio
  • 0056 = Seel
  • 0057 = Dewgong
  • 0058 = Grimer
  • 0059 = Muk
  • 005A = Shellder
  • 005B = Cloyster
  • 005C = Gastly
  • 005D = Haunter
  • 005E = Gengar
  • 005F = Onix
  • 0060 = Drowzee
  • 0061 = Hypno
  • 0062 = Krabby
  • 0063 = Kingler
  • 0064 = Voltorb
  • 0065 = Electrode
  • 0066 = Exeggecute
  • 0067 = Exeggutor
  • 0068 = Cubone
  • 0069 = Marowak
  • 006A = Hitmonlee
  • 006B = Hitmonchan
  • 006C = Lickitung
  • 00D6 = Koffing
  • 006E = Weezing
  • 006F = Rhyhorn
  • 0070 = Rhydon
  • 0071 = Chansey
  • 0072 = Tangela
  • 0073 = Kangaskhan
  • 0074 = Horsea
  • 0075 = Seadra
  • 0076 = Goldeen
  • 0077 = Seaking
  • 0078 = Staryu
  • 0079 = Starmie
  • 007A = Mr. Mime
  • 007B = Scyther
  • 007C = Jynx
  • 007D = Electabuzz
  • 007E = Magmar
  • 007F = Pinsir
  • 0080 = Tauros
  • 0081 = Magikarp
  • 0082 = Gyrados
  • 0083 = Lapras
  • 0084 = Ditto
  • 0085 = Eevee
  • 0086 = Vaporeon
  • 0087 = Jolteon
  • 0088 = Flareon
  • 0089 = Porygon
  • 008A = Omanyte
  • 008B = Omastar
  • 008C = Kabuto
  • 008D = Kabutops
  • 008E = Aerodacty
  • 008F = Snorlax
  • 0090 = Articuno
  • 0091 = Zapdos
  • 0092 = Moltres
  • 0093 = Dratini
  • 0094 = Dragonair
  • 0095 = Dragonite
  • 0096 = Mewtwo
  • 0097 = Mew
  • 0098 = Chikorita
  • 0099 = Bayleef
  • 009A = Meganium
  • 009B = Cyndaquil
  • 009C = Quilava
  • 009D = Typhlosion
  • 009E = Totodile
  • 009F = Croconaw
  • 00A0 = Feraligatr
  • 00A1 = Sentret
  • 00A2 = Furret
  • 00A3 = Hoothoot
  • 00A4 = Noctowl
  • 00A5 = Ledyba
  • 00A6 = Ledian
  • 00A7 = Spinarak
  • 00A8 = Ariados
  • 00A9 = Crobat
  • 00AA = Chinchou
  • 00AB = Lanturn
  • 00AC = Pichu
  • 00AD = Cleffa
  • 00AE = Igglybuff
  • 00AF = Togepi
  • 00B0 = Togetic
  • 00B1 = Natu
  • 00B2 = Xatu
  • 00B3 = Mareep
  • 00B4 = Flaaffy
  • 00B5 = Ampharos
  • 00B6 = Bellossom
  • 00B7 = Marill
  • 00B8 = Azumarill
  • 00B9 = Sudowoodo
  • 00BA = Politoed
  • 00BB = Hoppip
  • 00CB = Skiploom
  • 00C8 = Misdreavus
  • 00C9 = Unown
  • 00CA = Wobbuffet
  • 00CB = Girafarig
  • 00CC = Pineco
  • 00CD = Forretress
  • 00CE = Dunsparce
  • 00CF = Gligar
  • 00D0 = Steelix
  • 00D1 = Snubbull
  • 00D2 = Granbull
  • 00D3 = Qwilfish
  • 00D4 = Scizor
  • 00D5 = Shuckle
  • 00D6 = Heracross
  • 00D7 = Sneasel
  • 00D8 = Teddiursa
  • 00D9 = Ursaring
  • 00DA = Slugma
  • 00DB = Magcargo
  • 00DC = Swinub
  • 00DD = Piloswine
  • 00DE = Corsola
  • 00DF = Remoraid
  • 00E0 = Octillery
  • 00E1 = Delibird
  • 00E2 = Mantine
  • 00E3 = Skarmory
  • 00E4 = Houndour
  • 00E5 = Houndoom
  • 00E6 = Kingdra
  • 00E7 = Phanpy
  • 00E8 = Donphan
  • 00E9 = Porygon2
  • 00EA = Stantler
  • 00EB = Smeargle
  • 00EC = Tyrogue
  • 00ED = Hitmontop
  • 00EE = Smoochum
  • 00EF = Elekid
  • 00F0 = Magby
  • 00F1 = Miltank
  • 00F2 = Blissey
  • 00F3 = Raikou
  • 00F4 = Entai
  • 00F5 = Suicune
  • 00F6 = Larvitar
  • 00F7 = Pupitar
  • 00F8 = Tyranitar
  • 00F9 = Lugia
  • 00FA = Ho-oh
  • 00FB = Celebi


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