Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar will meet Aam Aadmi Party convener Arvind Kejriwal at 3.30 PM on Wednesday. Kejriwal had earlier alleged that the BJP was attempting to remove votes of AAP supporters in Delhi from the rolls. Sharing videos of his interactions with local residents from Shahdara’s Ambedkar Camp and other areas on the social media platform ‘X’, Kejriwal claimed that the BJP was “dishonestly targeting specific voters” to influence the upcoming elections.
BJP चुनाव से पहले ही मान चुकी है अपनी हार 🔥💯
♦️ मतदाताओं के वोट ग़लत तरीक़े से कटवाकर बीजेपी ने बता दिया है कि वह चुनाव हार चुके हैं
♦️ BJP विभिन्न विधानसभाओं में आम आदमी पार्टी के समर्थकों के वोट कटवा रही है @SanjayAzadSln #KejriwalExposesBJPVoteScam
— Sakshi Gupta AAP🇮🇳 (@SakshiGupta_AAP) December 10, 2024
Kejriwal alleged that the BJP was secretly and selectively deleting the names of AAP supporters from the voter rolls to secure an unfair advantage in the Delhi elections. He stated, “The BJP is quietly removing the votes of AAP supporters to manipulate the election results in Delhi.” According to him, people in Shahdara, who had lived in the area for decades, reported that their names had been struck off the voter list, despite having been long-time residents. Kejriwal suggested that these removals were based solely on complaints filed by BJP’s booth-level agents (BLA).
Kejriwal further said that in some instances, entire families had their names removed, with the removal list allegedly bearing the stamp and signature of BJP’s BLA. He questioned the motives behind the BJP’s actions, asking, “Why is the BJP systematically disenfranchising poor voters?” Kejriwal cited the example of individuals who had lived at the same address for years but found their names missing from the voter list. He argued that these removals were politically motivated, specifically targeting those who had voted for AAP in previous elections.
🚨सावधान दिल्लीवालों🚨
अपनी बुरी हार से घबराई बीजेपी अब षड्यंत्रों का सहारा लेकर AAP के वोट काट रही है‼️#KejriwalExposesBJPVoteScam
— चयन 🇮🇳 (@Tweet2Chayan) December 6, 2024
Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva, however, dismissed Kejriwal’s claims as baseless, suggesting that the AAP leader was using such statements to divert attention from the real issues facing Delhi. Sachdeva stated that the BJP had initiated a campaign to remove the names of illegally residing Rohingyas and Bangladeshis from the voter rolls, and suggested that Kejriwal was attempting to shift the focus to his own narrative due to political panic over the state of Delhi.